Thursday, February 10, 2011

Charity Challenge

While reading Pat Sloan's email newsletter today she linked to Cora a blogger that is challenging us to do good. Now most of my friends are already in guilds that have on going charity projects but Cora challenges us to step up to the plate and do more. To do a hands on good deed for the organizations that comfort and support those unable to tend to themselves right now, in this place.

What can we do? Cora speaks of seeing a sign at the shelter asking for paper towels... She asks us to find out at least one basic item that the shelter or organization needs and fill it, maybe even on an on going basis... you could become the oatmeal lady, or the soap man. Step up and help provide the basics that we all take for granted.

What will you do.... read Cora's post & get busy, there could be a small pat on the back coming your way.

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