The East Cobb Quilt Guild (of Georgia) has a quilt show every other year... well, this is the year... I must admit that the guild does a wonderful job of not only bringing the best out in us but providing fantastic shopping opportunities... Members of the guild will be demonstrating quilting techniques and styles in our guild area. For the second year I'll be there the majority of the time; this year I'll have a HC machine and one of my treadles. I was toying with what treadle to take but after having to change the bobbin frequently on my shuttle machine while piecing a quilt I decided that I'd opt for my White Rotary or my new James Bond due to the higher capacity bobbins... If I'll be sewing for hours a day I'd like to just pop in a full bobbin and sew for miles...
Here is the ad for the show plus pictures of my possible machines, I think that my HC will be German made badged model...
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