Sunday, September 27, 2009

River Rat TOGA blocks come home

Several weeks ago as you might remember I commented on the blocks I was making for the River Rat TOGA (TreadleOn Gathering and Academy) that was being held mid September in Minnesota. Even though I was not able to attend this huge TOGA (I believe it might be one of the larger attended events) I was going to be allowed to participate in the block exchange since I try to "gather" with the River Rats when I am in residence in Minnesota during the summer.

Some folks make their blocks ahead of time,then bring them to the TOGA while others take the opportunity to gather with fellow attendees for a sew-in while others are taking classes or going on shop tours...or they gather at night at the motel for a late night sewing bee. Which ever it is they have a blast...

The photo is of the blocks that were returned to me..... the blocks
this year were makers choice, so we could do anything we wanted with in the size requirements. Only a few folks took the opportunity to participate so I think that I'll join these blocks with some already collected... maybe this quilt top will be one that I work on during the up coming Winter Olympic Games Challenge, now that is another story.K

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stringplay said...
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