Sunday, April 24, 2011

All Ironing Boards are Not Created EQUAL

I'm not sure what has gotten into me but I've been cleaning, tossing and sorting like crazy these last weeks. Last week after helping our son get ready for the interior of his house to be painted I came home and cleaned out 6 tubs of fabric...GONE. Just take a look. I sure hope that some new quilter shops at the thrift store where the American Kidney Foundation takes this donation.

Some time over the past year I'd seen a much wider ironing board at "some" average old store, meaning I didn't see it at a fabric or quilt store. Since I'm on my cleaning jag I thought I might as well invest in a new board (take the currently used one over to church for the quilt group, then we'd have two). So I went for a QUICK drive to find it. Most of a day, three Wal-Marts, and a Target store later I finally found it.

Now look at these two boards, don't you think the new is worth it??? And are all ironing boards created equal... I don't think so... Ironing yardage could be much quicker now... Notice I didn't say anything about shirts or other garments... K

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