Tuesday, October 12, 2010

crowded parking lot

Why is it that when you want good pictures the camera acts up? I figured that the darling's problem was battery related but still..........

They are filming the new version of "Foot Loose" in various locations around Atlanta. Next to the antique mall where we have a booth there is an old country western night club... last week park of the parking lot was congested with film equipment and huge storage containers. This week the parking lot has container trailers, trailers for the actors, and other living/working configurations. The parking lot was full of cars rather the usual 10 to 20... I tried to take a few pictures of the makeshift village in the parking lot.....

The pictures are pretty terrible... but maybe it will give you a hint of what it looks like...

Monday, October 11, 2010

Church soft ball

New Friday night activity...
What could be more exciting than a fun game of church soft ball. Now my husband and I were not playing, we were part of the cheering team. Our son Adam is now playing on the church's soft ball team. He seems to think that its a most wonderful way to spend a Friday night. This was my first chance to watch him play as the games began while I was in south Georgia with my mother-in-law. The teams are made up of various ages and must have an equal number of ladies and gentleman. The purpose of church soft ball rules seem to be to equalize opportunities and fairness, to the unskilled cheerleader they were difficult to follow at times. But that is okay... it made for the element of surprise.

It was a great way to spend the night... much more entertaining than TV and the commercials are shorter... (little kids flying by on their trikes such cute kids).

Now I realize that the photos are not too good... but they give you the general idea. It was dark and they played on the other side of the fence :) K

Thursday, October 7, 2010


What happened to September???

I'm not sure but I think it flew by in a hurry...

So here I go trying to catch up...

ECQG blocks

During the month of September I did work up some blocks for two projects for the East Cobb Quilt Guild... I submitted a couple of fill-in blocks for the president's quilt, plus each guild in Georgia being asked to make a quilt that will be used to make money for the new state quilt museum... Since ECQG's emblem is baskets, I had the opportunity to improve my piecing skills. Meaning, I'd never made baskets before...

Adam's new car

Son Adam's new car.. such a nice looking man :)

neighborhood surprise

Bright and early one morning the neighborhood awoke to smiley faces in the our neighbor's yard... our young neighbor up the street was fascinated by the sight...

look what showed up!

Now this is some sort of cool tumbler... insulated, spill proof top and it's very own plastic straw with a "washer" to keep the liquids in... the only thing that would make it cooler would be if it was purple...

Some how it showed up here at the house while I was gone.

TOGA in Florida

I've just returned home from enjoying the Florida TOGA (TreadleOn Gathering and Academy). It was a short 2.5 days of rubbing elbows with other folks that are addicted to people powered sewing machines (all though were a few stray electric vintage machines). What could be better than a large room full of treadles and hand cranks, all singing their own purring songs. We sewed, practiced free motion quilting, learned about taking apart a tension assembly and did a block exchange.

Here are some photos of the TOGA. In the next posting I'll show you the block exchange entries.

Free motioning Quilting???

Miss McKenna gave us a demonstration and encouragement to try our hand at free motion quilting on a class 15 Singer treadle...( in the last post McKenna is the lady dressed in a pinkish outfit sitting at a treadle).

We each took our turn at practicing free motion quilting...especially feathers among other things...

Yes, I know I didn't smooth out the sample, but maybe you get the idea anyway :)

TOGA Exchange blocks

The guidelines for the TOGA were
-block size 6.5 inches square
-pinks, whites, greens, & a dash of yellow
-block design was the stitchers choice

You'll see that there is a nice variety...

More blocks