Thursday, November 13, 2008

Think Pink Mailings

During the month of October I was busy knitting pink facecloths for the ladies in my life... each pink facecloth came with a bar of soap (some homemade from a local source and some got Peach Georgia soaps) The idea was that each time my friend used her pink cloth she would remember that her health was in her hands, that friends loved and needed her and that most of all God had a plan for her....the bottom line, TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. I derived a great deal of pleasure making all these facecloths. Now I did send my brother and Uncle Bob one as well but theirs were red-white-and blue, both are veterans, but the message was the same, Take Care. A little note card was sent in each mailer just to stay in touch... I've not been a very good correspondent lately....

The photo of the pink facecloths is the second batch. The first ones got hand delivered around the area on Nov 1 with out a thought of taking a picture...

1 comment:

stringplay said...

As a lucky recipient and friend, I am delighted with my cloth and yummy blackberry soap! Didn't the red, white & blue ones come out great! Love that striping cotton.
Thanks again for spoiling me.